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Becoming a Judge

How to become a Dressage Judge

Equestrian Australia has developed a National Officiating Accreditation Scheme (NOAS) that sets the requirements for becoming a judge.

To become a new judge, applicants must:

  • be at least 17 years of age
  • be a member of the EA (check with ENSW as to the membership level required)
  • have some experience as a rider, coach, writer/penciller
  • have attended a G level specific seminar
  • have shadow-judged the required number of tests, and
  • have successfully completed the Open Rule Book Test.

How to Become a G-E Level Dressage Judge

Enquiries re becoming a judge, contact Kay Barney DNSW New Judge (G Level) Coordinator  on 0419 276 661 or email [email protected]

There is also a (fast track) Accelerated Judges Scheme for FEI riders who have achieved a certain level of performance. Eligible riders may apply for dispensation for some of the requirements.  Refer the EA Dressage judge pathway for the requirements.

Please contact Julie Jones for information about the fast tracking scheme, Ph 0410 405 505 or  e-mail Julie.

For other information (including application form to become a G level judge  go to the Judges' Info page.

Information for judges starting out:  How_to_Become_a_Dressage_Judge(G-E)-2016Aedition.pdf

EA Dressage Rules and Tests

EA NOAS Scheme, forms and resources