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Clarendon Hot Weather

Clarendon Hot Weather

A reminder to competitors and grooms that with the hot summer weather please take precautions for the welfare of your horses and yourself.

  • Riders should drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess exposure to the sun – slip slop and slap.
  • Jackets. Wearing coats is optional in hot weather conditions.
  • We encorage all riders to ride without a jacket if the weather is warm.
  • If a rider chooses not to wear a coat, then the shirt should be light-coloured and tucked in and:   the collar must be either a rat catcher or business style collar  there must be sleeves - either long or short sleeves 
  • T-shirts and sleeveless shirts are not permitted 
  • Competitors should adjust their warm-up times with due consideration of the weather conditions.
  • Grooms/helpers have a bucket of water, sponge and scraper on hand at the warm up arena and a bottle of water for the rider.
  • Horses to be cooled down with water and scraped down after competing or training and riders/grooms ensure their horses have adequate supply of water at all times.
  • Be especially careful with dark coloured horses. If any horse appears overheated please contact the office or gear steward for assistance.
  • Ice will be available at the Gear Check point.
  • A water cooler is available on the verandah near the results terminals.